How long can THC Stay inside You

If you’re someone who smokes a lot, you might wonder how long this stays within the body. Some people figure it out, but newbies also might wonder, especially if they're not used to the effects of this. The truth is, this answer is not as simple as it could be, and right now, you need to understand the way that the body uses and metabolizes this before you can get a concrete understanding of this.

Your Body and Cannabis 

Right now, your body absorbs cannabis in two different ways: the lunges, and the digestive tract. When it’s in your body, it then gets metabolized directly by your liver, and then, it comes out as excrement. The length, however, depends on a lot of different factors, which can include: 

  • The content of the fat 

  • The chemistry of your body 

  • The usage frequently 

  • The amount that you take 

When you have THC or even some cannabis products, the fat cells immediately absorb it.  It gets stored there for a bit, and then, it slowly excretes to your bloodstream within a period of time. The more you have, the longer it’s going to stick around. 

So How Long Can It Stay 

The best thing to get from this, is that the THC content is basically what you need to focus on when determining the length of how long this stays, as THC is one of the primary psychoactive elements that creates a “high” sort of feeling in your body.

If you’ve only tried cannabis a few times, I’ll probably be there for a few days at most. However, the longer the usage, the longer this is going to be within your body. Usually, this stays within the body for about a month, but if you have it daily, it’s going to stick around for a lot longer. The cannabis type also does impact this too. Some strains of cannabis that are much higher in THC will stick around longer than the other ones, and this also will stick around for a much longer period. 

How long Your Effects Last 

The big thing to understand, is that while THC usually stays within you for up to a month, the effects are but a few hours. You’re not going to be high constantly, but they peak within 30-120 minutes after you vape and smoke. Usually, after about 6 or so hours, you stop feeling high, but if you consume a lot, you’re going to get a much larger amount of time with the feelings there.  Edibles, of course, are going to make you feel it for far longer, as they take a few hours for them to kick in, and the effects can last for a long time as well, depending on the type of situation that you’re in, and how much you take. 

In general, THC is the one that people do get tested for, since it can intoxicate you. If you’re worried about a drug test, your fat cells research this over a period of time, so even if you haven’t had THC in a minute, it can be detected during drug tests. 

CBD and those types of cannabis products don’t have THC in it in large amounts, but there are trace amounts depending on the type of CBD that you consume. So this can put you at risk for testing positive on a drug test. The best thing for you to understand is that with cannabis, there are a lot of benefits to be had, and a lot of great things to look into, but keep in mind how long it’s there.

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