The medical cannabis industry is on the up and up in the United States right now. There are currently 34 states that have legalized medical marijuana in some form. Oftentimes these states have different programs that allow only certain types of marijuana strains or certain products. Either way, it is safe to say that more people have access to medical marijuana and its benefits than ever before. This also includes old people and senior citizens. Believe it or not, much of the medical marijuana that is consumed in this country is used by citizens that are 65 years of age or older. This is because many older medical patients are dealing with chronic conditions that cause them great discomfort throughout the day.
By turning to medical cannabis, patients are able to manage and treat their pain and other symptoms without experiencing some of the harmful side effects that are found in other common medications. What does this mean for senior citizens who are living in a nursing home? Surely nursing homes simply follow the legal standard set by their state for medical marijuana? Well, unfortunately we are seeing that this is not always the case. In many nursing homes across the country, the contradiction between federal and state laws are quite stark.
This is becoming an ongoing obstacle for seniors who are attempting to use medical marijuana to treat various symptoms. To put it simply, even citizens who qualify for medical marijuana and can get it through their state's medical program may be blocked by the federal policies within the nursing home they reside. This is a huge problem for patients dealing with chronic pain, inflammation, insomnia, nausea, and other chronic health conditions that become more commonly found in older people. Why would someone who could benefit from medical cannabis be denied, especially after they have been approved and supervised by a doctor?
Every nursing home has rules and regulations that prohibit smoking for all of its residents and staff. This makes sense, since we have long come to realize the negative effects of smoking and the problems it can cause later in life. When talking about the medical marijuana component with older citizens in nursing homes, smoking marijuana would definitely not be practical given the health conditions and fragility of older people’s bodies. However, there are plenty of other methods of consuming cannabis that do not involve inhalation - and just because smoking is one method of using marijuana does not mean that nursing homes should ban medical cannabis altogether. In fact, there are so many different types of products out there that can be used to safely consume cannabis that do not have anything to do with inhalation.
Tinctures, which are a form of liquid CBD or a blend of CBD and THC are popularly used by people who would rather not smoke cannabis. Tinctures are administered by simply putting a drop of the oil under the patient's tongue. This could be done by a staff member or even by a resident themselves if it was allowed. Tinctures are used under the tongue because the blood vessels under the tongue are close to the surface, meaning that they absorb into the bloodstream faster and start to provide symptom relief in just about 30 minutes.
This is a great option for older patients, and these tinctures can be found in a variety of flavors or completely unflavored if so desired. There are also THC or CBD edibles that can be consumed like any other food, and these are also great ways to consume cannabis without actually having to smoke it. Not to mention, creams, ointments, and other cannabis topicals exist that can use to treat chronic diseases and other conditions.