Wednesday, 6 April 2016

CBD vs Marijuana for Anxiety? Which one is Better?

One of the things that a lot of people struggle with is anxiety. The pandemic ended up making things worse as well. Thankfully, more attention has started to turn towards mental health in America, and people that struggle with certain mental health disorders are able to get more resources available to them. It is estimated that almost 1 in 3 Americans have experienced a mental health or anxiety disorder at some point in their lifetime. 

While there are of course normal levels of anxiety that everyone experiences from time to time, anxiety disorders are a totally different animal. Most people don’t really have a good way to identify with people that have anxiety because they simply do not understand it. For people that actually struggle with something like anxiety, it can make trying to do normal things and just get through the day an extremely difficult task.

Treatment for anxiety can vary in effectiveness depending on the patient - some things work for some people, while others do not see them as effective. Currently, the normal treatment options for anxiety disorders include things like therapy and prescription medications. However, there are some concerns for people who use these prescriptions, as they can sometimes make conditions worse and have some negative side effects as well. As an alternative to these medications, it is becoming increasingly popular for people to use medical marijuana for treating anxiety disorders and that sort of thing. Today, we are going to talk about if using CBD and marijuana can be an effective way to manage anxiety symptoms.

So when it comes to CBD and marijuana, which one is better for treating anxiety? Well, the unfortunate part of the medical marijuana industry is that there are not a whole lot of clinical studies and trials that have been done. Since cannabis has been illegal for so long in the United States, there is no a whole lot of data available that can make it easy to distinguish which one is necessarily better for treating anxiety (that is, CBD or marijuana). 

However, there are a few things to consider when picking between the two. We do have limited research and some testimonials from people who have used these things for anxiety. One of the more notable side effects of using THC is actually that it can cause anxiety. This does not happen for everyone, but it is pretty well known that using certain THC strains can cause anxiety instead of having the calming effect that we are going for.

However, certain strains of cannabis can be very effective at reducing symptoms of anxiety, especially when one is using an indica dominant strain. CBD is also used to treat anxiety, and some studies suggest that the cannabinoid content found in cannabis can lower feelings of depression, anxiety, and stress in certain patients. 

This is a huge win for people that struggle with anxiety from day to day. One thing to keep in mind when picking whether you want to use CBD or marijuana to treat your anxiety is the state that you live in. As many of you are already aware of, medical marijuana is not legal in all places around the United States. Some people do not have the option to try using certain THC strains because of the laws that are in place in their state. 

However, CBD has been federally legalized for quite some time because it is considered to be a hemp-derived product by the United States government. If you are someone that has been struggling with an anxiety disorder of some kind, make sure that you about trying marijuana as a treatment option.

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